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Are you ready for a raucous ride back to the 1980s, replete with romance, union-busting and the travesty of political prisoners held against their will in forbidden Cuba? Then fasten your seatbelts and hang on … 


In this coming-of-age story and début novel from a pilot-turned-author, you'll get to fly alongside the protagonist, Matt Lavery, as he takes you on an unforgettable journey. 


The story unfolds simultaneously between Matt's career, flying for a small regional airline in Arkansas, battling thunderstorms in the air and anti-labor management on the ground, and his growing obsession with Cuba, fueled by his love-interest, the beautiful but elusive, Olga Vargas.


Matt must first face his fears before fate can bring their lives together. But time is running out, for the life of Olga’s beloved uncle, a political prisoner in Cuba, is hanging in the balance.

An inspiring story of love, perseverance and faith, even in the darkest hour, Sticks in the Clouds will take you on a flight you won’t forget.

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